Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

Scale Photos to size

Online photo sites: Take a look at the way photos are displayed in the site where you plan to upload the images. Obviously if the image is displayed at 600 pixels on Face Book, with no "enlarge" tab, then sending a folder full of 3200 pixel shots is a total waste. And remember that all online images should be 72 pixels per inch. In many situations people think if they upload higher resolution photos, they'll be better. That's almost never the case. For people who have to pay for through-put, or bandwidth, these photos cost nearly 4-times as much to upload for no appreciable improvement in image quality.

Email: If you are attaching images to email, they shouldn't be much larger than 700 pixels wide. Any more than this is not useful for the end user. I have a friend who can't seem to understand this concept -- and simply drags digital images directly into email without regards to the size. When they arrive, they are so big you can only see a portion of the image in the window and you're forced to scroll around just to find a face.

Easy Utilities: Here's just one example of a simple utility you can employ to take the guess-work out of scaling photos. This one is called "Drop Pic" which is a Mac product -- but there are many for both Mac and Windows that you can download. There are also online services where you upload the large photo, and download the scaled photo and get a good job. Mac users should check out DroPic! (DroPic.sit)

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Anonim mengatakan...

Salam kenal ya mas.